Can be easily polished to a high gloss. The coating varnish is a hardest component of the system. |
***********Herdim Dry Spirit Varnishes ***** Compositions of Herdim dry spirit varnishes are based on classical recipes, using exquisite quality resins. The varnish is obtained dissolving the composition of the ready mixed resins in 96 % spirit. |
*The varnishes can be applied in thick layers of various hardness’ (base and finishing varnishes), which makes the final product highly resistant. *Applying the varnish in layers ensures that there are no cracks |
*********** Herdim Varnishes for Violin Making ***** Violin varnish is a complex system composed of multiple layers with a different function. Herdim varnishes are designed as a complete lacquer system which ensures all these functions. The basic layers should be able to adhere safely the varnish to the wooden surface and enhance the beauty of the wood structure. Colour layers carry the main colouring agents and enable their blending and recombination. The top layers are convenient for polishing to a different level of gloss. The system is enough flexible to support the acoustical properties of the basic wooden construction. |
Varnish Coating Content 100 g |
残り 1 点 3260.4円
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